#103: Getting "Emotional" With Greg Sover
Download MP3This week, the PIC welcome to the pod blues and rock guitarist extraordinaire, Greg Sover, to talk about his musical inspirations, the stories behind our favorite songs, surviving the pandemic as a working musician, and much more! We end the show by bringing back an old favorite, A Game Called Something! Along the way, Greg and Steve bond over shared birthday seasons, their desire to #SaveTheManuals, and the theory that Tom Cruise is a vampire. Meanwhile, Chrissie's Australian Siri has eclectic musical tastes and she dreams of living large on a dirty beach. All that and more...LIVE from the 19046!
Topics Discussed:
- Greg’s Musical Inspirations
- Haiti, Brooklyn, Philly, Glenside
- Potholes
- #SaveTheManual
- Making a Living With Music
- Thanks Ron DiSilvestro!
- The Snow Dance!
- The Story Behind "Emotional"
- The Story Behind "Heroes"
- Greg’s Philosophy of Music
- Untitled New Album
- Pandemic Stories
- A Game Called Something
- Siri’s Musical Taste
- Movie Talk
- Top Gun: Maverick is awesome!
- Turn the Tables: What prompted this podcast?
- Where to Find Greg!
- IG: @greg_sover
Intro music sample: Sover, G. (2018). Emotional. On Jubilee [Audio file]. Retrieved from https://music.apple.com/us/album/emotional/1329804200?i=1329804218