#107: The Mall Santa Teddy Bear Incident

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This week, the PIC are on their own with a short grab-bag of awesome mini-topics! Chrissie wants to dance on a murder chair in the Garage while Steve wants to learn to dance, "dancing baby" style. There are two amazing shows coming up at Broken Goblet that will have the PIC in attendance, including Jenkintown's own Camera Thief returning to rock the rafters and drink all the beer this Saturday night! Come December 2, friend of the Garage Cara Cartney will be living her dream of performing the entirety of Jagged Little Pill up on the Tama stage! If that isn't enough for you, on December 3, Jenkintown Town Square will be lit up by the one-and-only Santa right after a sure-to-be excellent Holiday Market. All that and the tale of the Christmas Eve Mall Santa Teddy Bear Incident...LIVE from the 19046!

Topics Discussed:

- Dancing in the Garage?

    - Chrissie & Steph are choreographing a dance! 

    - Steve wants to do the “Dancing Baby Dance” 🤦‍♂️

        - https://youtu.be/oHSuyTrKwdg

- Upcoming Shows

    - Camera Thief Returns to Broken Goblet

        - https://fb.me/e/2bvyOKZk3

        - https://www.brokengoblet.com/event-details/camera-thief-live

    - Jagged Little Pill With Cara Cartney

        - https://fb.me/e/2lUTmeSJ0

    - Santa in Jenkintown & Holiday Market

        - 11 - 4pm on Dec 3, before Santa!

        - https://fb.me/e/1VEjNAJ63

        - https://www.centercityphila.org/parks/dilworth-park/winter

- The Mall Santa Teddy Bear Incident

#107: The Mall Santa Teddy Bear Incident
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