#111: What’s in a Name With Righteous Jolly

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Steve is back this week, but sounds like he is gargling rocks; ah the joys of winter cold season. But, spirits are high because this week's guest is Righteous Jolly, a wonderful actor, musician, and the "7th best trivia host in Bucks County!" In this wide-ranging conversation, Righteous discusses his upcoming album, the amazing Levittown Christmas Carol production, his school life in NYC, being on the wall of Broken Goblet's bathroom, and so much more! We end with a rousing Game Called Something that begins with some bawdy Norwegian singing and just continues to go off the rails from there. This is a really fun episode. Enjoy!

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Topics Discussed:

- Introducing Righteous Jolly

    - Yes, that’s his real name

- Producing an Album - “What’s in a Name?”

- Corona-cation Reminiscing

- 7th Best Trivia Host in Bucks Co.

- Broken Goblet Extended Universe (BGEU)

    - How Righteous met Cara

- Failed Senior Year because he was late

- Chrissie and Righteous Share NYC Stories

- Acting Life

    - A Levittown Christmas Carol

- Steve Fights Laryngitis to Talk Photography

- A Game Called Something

    - Do you have a travel goal?

    - Norwegian Singing

    - Banf, Canada

        - https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/banff

        - https://banff.ca

    - Favorite physical activity?

    - “A Walk in the Woods”

        - https://youtu.be/bK-iQB1UZvI

- Where to find Righteous Jolly

    - FB: https://www.facebook.com/JollyRighteous

    - IG: https://www.instagram.com/righteous_jolly_actor/

    - www.righteousjolly.com

    - https://righteousjolly.bandcamp.com

Intro Theme: "A Levittown Christmas," Righteous Jolly

#111: What’s in a Name With Righteous Jolly
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