#115: Glowing in Timeless Places With Tammy Tuckey

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This week, the PIC are joined by singer, actor, dancer, and podcaster, Tammy Tuckey to discuss all things Disney and more! But first, Steve is confused by the orchestra, everyone is bummed by the sad state of Chuck-E-Cheese, and no one really believes Avatar is popular. Tammy shares how she managed to make not one, but two cover albums of Disney tunes and recounts a magical experience with Peter Pan. Steve laments that Disney is a poor steward of Star Wars, but everyone agrees the parks are pretty cool. Then, in a rousing A Game Called Something, we learn what crocodile tastes like and that Chrissie really loves boots! All that and more...LIVE from the 19046! Support the show, buy us a coffee! - https://www.jenkintownartsgarage.com/coffee Topics Discussed: - Intro: Carmen Confusion and JUNK - Welcome Tammy Tuckey - A Christmas Carol - Pole Dancing - TNT Amusements - The Sad State of Chuck-E-Cheese - Disney & Tammy’s Music - You’ll Find Me on Main Street - https://tammytuckey.com/youll-find-me-on-main-street - Glowing in Timeless Places - https://tammytuckey.com/glowingintimelessplaces - How to Create a Cover Album of Disney Songs - Is Avatar Actually Popular? - Disney’s Terrible Stewardship of Star Wars - A Magical Peter Pan Experience - The Disney Kindness Factor - AGCS - What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? - Favorite thing you bought this year? - Where to find Tammy - IG: https://www.instagram.com/tammytuckey/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/TammyTuckey - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TammyTuckey - Glowing in Timeless Places Pre-Order (out April 15, 2023) - https://tammytuckey.com/glowingintimelessplaces - Concert April 8 at Upper Dublin Library - https://upperdublinlibrary.org/event/glowing-in-timeless-places-vocal-performance/ - Web: https://tammytuckey.com Opening Theme, Remember the Magic (feat. Don Liuzzi), performed by Tammy Tuckey
#115: Glowing in Timeless Places With Tammy Tuckey
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